Install an External Plugin and use it ===================================== This guide will explain how to install an externally acquired plugin that streams torrents and how to actually use it. It is assumed you already acquired a plugin you want to install. Step 1 - Install the Plugin ------------------------------------------------ Head over to the admin page and go to the "External plugin" section. .. _external_plugins: .. figure:: images/page-external-plugins.png External plugins page :numref:`external_plugins` shows the external plugin page with no plugins uploaded yet. * Click the "Upload Plugins" button and select the plugin files you want to upload. .. _plugin_uploaded: .. figure:: images/plugin-uploaded.png Plugin uploaded successfully. :numref:`plugin_uploaded` shows the plugin being successfully uploaded. The uploaded plugin is available in the "Available plugin" list. * Click the "Enable" button under the plugin, this will make it show up in the "Enabled plugins" list as seen in :numref:`plugin_enabled`. * The text says "Loaded: No" which means that the plugin is not loaded into Tridentstream yet. This can be solved by clicking "Restart Tridentstream" - the server will restart and load the plugin. .. _plugin_enabled: .. figure:: images/plugin-enabled.png Plugin enabled successfully. Step 2 - Add the Plugin ------------------------------------------------ .. _plugin_now_addable: .. figure:: images/plugin-now-addable.png Add new searcher popup with LegitTorrents available. With the plugin loaded we can now use it. * Go to the "Plugins" tab and click "Add new searcher". * A popup will appear as seen in :numref:`plugin_now_addable` where you can add your new plugin. Click "Add" next to the plugin you want to add, in this case LegitTorrents. .. _configure_legittorrents_plugin: .. figure:: images/configure-legittorrents-plugin.png Configuration menu for LegitTorrents Plugin. When adding a new plugin a form appears with all the necessary and optional settings available. A filled out form for LegitTorrent can be seen in :numref:`configure_legittorrents_plugin`. This also relies on the Deluge plugin added in another guide. When done, click "Save". Step 3 - Link With a Store ------------------------------------------------ .. _add_new_store: .. figure:: images/add-new-store.png Add a new store popup. We now need to link the searcher plugin with a store * Click "Add new section" under the "Store". A popup as seen in :numref:`add_new_store` pops up. * Since the LegitTorrent plugin can stream movies we need to link it with a "movies" store. Click the "Add" button next to the movies store. .. _store_config: .. figure:: images/store-config.png Configure a new store section. A new section pops up under store and it should be filled out, an example of a filled out form can be seen in :numref:`store_config`. * To get the searcher drop down to popup, click the "Add" button. * When done, press "Save". * The changes are not yet live, click the "Commit changes" button under "Store" to make the changes live. Step 4 - Use the New Plugin ------------------------------------------------ .. _store_available: .. figure:: images/store-available.png The added store is available. After the changes are committed, the section is available under "Store" on the frontpage as seen in :numref:`store_available`.